Friday, June 30, 2023


 I woke and checked weather forecast for last weeks of June. HEAT SUN CLOUDS...that was it! By 11 it is approaching the 90's. Living in Arizona for 40 years I should be used to this. The big difference is, few buildings have A/C and in Arizona with over 100 days for 100% you live in A/C. 



Chris, a good expat friend and I had lunch today. Both of us had visited Arizona in May. He was there a week to check on his property and return with the last of his move. He choose to return through Tijuana where he could take more bags with higher weight limit on direct flight to Oaxaca. When he arrived in Oaxaca, he discovered Volaris had a security breach and his bag with all his recently purchased clothing and shoes had been broken into and everything of value was gone. Caution! 

     We enjoyed catching up and a light breakfast at Vin and Vinal. 

Bored and hot Latino tourists on a Tour.
My neighbor, Gaby, has a childhood friend from Tijuana visiting for a week.  Norma came just to visit her friend. They have been partying since her arrival and now getting ready to depart. We celebrated Norma's birthday with dinner at Asador Bacanora last night.

Norma had Short Ribs with Potato "sticks". The flavors outstanding.

Gaby had Octopus tender...the best I've tasted in Oaxaca.

I had the Fresh Fish Exquisite...and it was one the freshest, fish dishes with the most flavor I enjoyed since arriving in Oaxaca. It was on a bed of NON- GMO corn that Oaxaca and Mexico is famous for. White corn with every kernel bursting with flavor. The yellow sweet/sour cherries and lime juice added to the corn complimented the Fresh Grouper, or Sea Bass.

We shared a Roasted Beet Salad with Avocado and Creme Fraiche that complimented all our dishes. 

I discovered M is not Men's room! Mujer is woman

Bathroom is shared with H and M Spanish! Hombre y Mujer.

I ate lunch there when they first opened over a year ago and was so disappointed I never returned until last night. My ONLY complaint was: We were presented with one Drink menu pushing cocktails, mezcal, craft beers, wine, etc. AND a BAR CODE TO READ OUR MENU ON OUR PHONES IF WE BROUGHT OUR PHONES. I was insulted and requested menus for each of us to browse while making our choice for this special Birthday Celebration.  If they continue that policy, I refuse to return no matter how good the food is. This corporate attitude that came out of the pandemic is only to save money NOT for convenience of the customers. A phone menu is an insult...most are impossible to browse or understand.

Today Norma departs so we were to have lunch or a drink to say goodbye around 3pm...the hottest time of day. The taxis don't use A/C and with Teacher's Union's roadblocks,
 walking is faster but not in 93% heat. We decided on Boulanc Pizza delivery and my terrace with a nice breeze and a parade down below.

Dawn was spectacular again. I took a walk through Conzatti Park.

Sunday morning shoppers returning home. I joined Democrats Abroad Breakfast at Marco and 6 women. Couldn't hear a thing with all the chatting. It was warming up so I heading home.

It has been HOT high 80's and into the 90's. I waited for the property manager to collect the rent then headed for the bus to Cherdaui to find out when my patio furniture was going to be delivered. It was my old neighborhood for 3 years at Los Nogales.

The service clerk told me TODAY for my delivery, so I took a taxi back to the house and waited all day and into the evening.  Just as my movie, The King of Masks was almost over...the phone rang and it was the delivery man at the door outside the complex. I was half asleep but ran out to let him in. He was all alone and had a pickup truck full. I didn't have him bring it to my door as I felt sorry for him. He left it inside so I started to carry the love seat up when Lee, my neighbor arrived from dinner out and helped. 
This morning I left at 8 am while it was cool and took photos before stopping at Pan-Am for Eggs Benedict.
I took the bus home and assembled my furniture.

                                    BUS STOP


                    INTERRACIAL MANIKINS 




My cost of living has gone up 16% just for Pesos...add
inflation and I think it's around 22% more...still much less than I would be paying in the states but 22% more than what I planned on.

Gaby and I visited "Adama", our neighborhood Mediterranean restaurant, for lunch. I had Kebabs and Gaby Falafels. Pleasant and good food.

No "Salsa"..ground red peppers and ground green peppers..lots of heat and flavor.

Charming place with good food but no photos...sorry.

Took a long walk this morning while still cool to have breakfast at Los Cuiles on Abasolo. 

Happy Hour and I was ready for more, at Casa Barro's 3rd floor restaurant. Taco El very good.

One of the biggest events of the year, "Guelaguetza", music, dance, culture of the different regions of Oaxaca. Coming in July.

This morning I planned a walk to Jalaltco for a lunch of Ceviche at a nice Seafood emporium.

             Tuna Ceviche on Guacamole...excellent.

                    Gay Pride today.....

Pre Wedding Photo Shoot

                      Private Family Celebration click then the back in upper left to return.

                              Gay Pride Parade click then click the back in upper left to return.

Gaby and I walked to Xochemilco to the "Morocco"Restaurant...3rd and final location. It rained as soon as we sat down.

Moussaka arrived and I forgot the camera and just devoured it....I will return soon. Taxi home in the rain.

This morning's sunrise....
I spent most of my day trying to contact the VA by getting on My Vet Health portal to my doctor and report my broken hearing aids. I gave up after 3 hours of copies of my SSN statements, driver's license, Passport Card, etc...nothing worked. It is a mess. I decided to just write a letter and send it along with the aids to the VA.  It was Sunday so I went to dinner at Vin and Vinal again. 




My goal today, Monday is to get my three hearing aids FEDEX'd to the VA for repair ASAP. I only have one now.

                   MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
My projects at the casa are at a standstill waiting for the property manager to give a go ahead. It has been months of unanswered requests or "we will take care of it" but nothing.  I know.."It's Mexico". 
     I called Juan and Jose, brothers in construction and have a country band.  They arrived two hours after calling with a "can do" attitude so I gave them my list and they insisted I join them to purchase the goods at Home Depot so there would be no conflicts. We did and on the way back after 2 hours of them disagreeing about the thickness of the wood, I gave them the keys and money for the taxi while I ordered an Argentine Pizza to go, then returned to feed them.

They got three of the 5 things completed then left to return in two days and finish the job. Good Day.
Photographed the inside and out to get a feel for my new shades. 

Bought the one closest to the size but short by 12"...I will center it tomorrow and live with it.

I packed my Dominoes and headed for the library to play a game with Maddie...but she didn't show or reply to my inquiry so assume she forgot.

I did find a Korean BBQ on Los Libros that opened last week.  After a talk with the owner and a quick walk through, I came to the conclusion that overhead Vents on the BBQ's would be necessary to keep the place cool and well vented. Hoping to try it soon.

Returned home by bus. Then wasted the day trying to get Membership on Amazon Prime Mexico and order some things from Mercado Libre. So frustrating..nothing accomplished. I treated myself to dinner at La Jicara and sat on my patio to enjoy the recent rain, fresh clean air, and "The View"

Neighborhood Seafood restaurant I keep hoping but never open...locals feed the pigeons....

The "boys"returned at 10 am to finish their work. They elevated my bed at the "Headboard". The doctor said it would be better for me.  I slept 11 hours!? Two nights in a row. They centered my shade, built a shelving unit for my kitchen, repaired the terrace boards that were sticking up and those sticking down, then painted the addition on the gate that keeps the dog out, so it matched the black gate. They took a break to move my recent "heavy couch" I bought from Jesse as she is returning to the states. We couldn't get it around the corner and up the stairs so Juan flipped it on end and held it up while Tito grabbed it from my balcony then Juan ran up and they pulled it up over the railing into my house.  I wish I had a photo of that! Thanks Juan and Tito...good job.

My one hearing aide died today. It was the one the VA just fixed and the only one I have. It does the same thing it did when I took it for repair. Static, signals it needs battery just after I put it in and faint sound but not decipherable. I called the VA today and left a message because you can't talk to the person you want!
Please expedite ASAP. I bought a cheap $50 one to arrive next week in hopes I can hear something until my repaired one arrive about the time I leave for my reunion in September.  It's been one day of deafness and I'm reading a lot. I am closing this post for June.
Happy Fourth of July! 

                          NEW USED CHAIR

                NEW USED COUCH AND LAMP


     In 2022, new explorations in Huautla,Oaxaca recorded the total length of the newly discovered cave system to 100.7 km of passages. To get a little taste of what it’s like to move through America’s deepest cave, watch this You Tube video showing some of the most breathtaking areas of Huautla.

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