Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rain Rain ...go away

The cold damp and gloomy weather continued on Saturday. Good day to read some more before meeting Joe and Hugh. A stop at the outdoor Market on the way would be nice. Saturday is a big Market day.
No Travel Alarm Clock to be found at the Market. David stopped for a snack then arrived at Mulligan's Irish Pub, our meeting point. The same bartender was there and remember David. Alex, a regular customer that has lived in Amsterdam for 20 years arrived, just as he does everyday for his 4pm glass of wine. Alex remembered David and they chatted about his Marathon running. He did NYC everyyear. That is where he is from, but at 67 years old he has 2 stents in his legs and no longer runs. Joe and Hugh arrived and after a couple of pints of Guiness we walked over to Smokies for some Budda Cheese. It is a strain of Dutch Canabis that Joe just had to try. We then parted until we meet in Phoenix and David went home to bed early to insure he would wake early and not miss the plane. He did but the train to the airport was out of commission and a late bus got him there on time.

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