Sunday, June 26, 2011

Honey...I'm Home

He managed a brief nap before the rising sun was coming through the window. David's Delta 244 was landing. Holland's weather was...well Holland's weather. It was overcast and in the sixties with an occasional glimpse of the Sun for a half hour or so. A ChipKaart was precured for local transport. David exchanged $300 for 190 Euros and then 59 Euros for 50 Euros of credit on the ChipKaart which was good for 8 years . Credit could be added as needed. When you boarded public transport you simply waived the card at a sensor that lit up to show it was registered and when you exit, you waive it again and it flashes the amount charged to your card for the trip. If you don't waive it on exiting, it assumes your riding the Trolley to the last stop!
David was on the train to the Amsterdam Central station and boarding the trolley for Jeannette and Peter's apartment shortly after. A warm welcome awaited with one of Jeannette's terrific meals and wine to follow. It was an early evening for all after some homemade Mushroom Soup followed by an outstanding Lasagna and Garden Salad ending with a Triffle layered with a vanilla pudding, fresh 'Dutch Strawberries, Whipped cream garnished with some dried Cranberries. Jeannette's other hobby is marrying people. She just married her next door neighbor and friend of over 20 years. We all slept well.

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