Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day in Amsterdam

Peter and Jeannette were on their way to Germany and on to the Czech Republic for their annual 2 week vacation. Peter just recently received his eagerly awaited retirement in May so now both were free to do as they please. David had delicious leftovers for breakfast then went back to bed. Joe Duffy, his friend from Phoenix, flew in from Ireland while on holiday. They were supposed to get together at the Bull Dog Coffeehouse that afternoon around 4pm. David awoke at 2pm finally refreshed and over Jet Lag. He showered and ran out the door. While on the Tram to meet Joe he realized he forgot to put in his hearing aides. Just then a gentleman across the aisle asked him what number Tram was this. David replied he only spoke English. The man, very puzzled said , so do I and asked the lady behind him much to everyones amusement.Preview
Joe, and his friend Hugh, an Englishman the worked for an airline based out of Phoenix, was waiting on the Cafe Terrace at the Bull Dog Coffee Shop and were both quite Mellow. They passed the joint and ordered another beer from the waiter. David got some food and chatted a spell before making arrangements to meet Saturday at Mulligans Irish Pub, an old haunt of David's. We went our separate ways and David walked almost all the way home while reorienting himself we his favorite city ...and stopping by a Smart Shop for some Majic Truffles. It was an early night.

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