Friday, February 16, 2024


 My long time friend Helen, who I met in Spain 20 years ago, arrived from Rochester, N.Y. on her annual visit to Oaxaca to enjoy her friends, weather, and Oaxaca.  She had a long day and was disappointed to find United misplaced her luggage in Houston. We met for dinner at Norte y Sur, a short walk for both of us. We had a nice dinner though Roberto, the owner was shorthanded with only one waiter and himself. They did a stellar job of getting the food and drinks to us, even when the place filled up. I was happy to see her again and forgot to take photos of the food...except for the nice dessert we enjoyed.

I wasn't prepared for NIGHT photos. Lots of activity and always a big transformation from Oaxaca Day to Night. Dancers practicing in the park, and this guy burning Sage and preparing something?

The next morning I had Breakfast at healthy and hard to stay away from. Can not figure how they cut the Avocado so perfectly?!

Parents picking up children from morning school and also dropping them off for afternoon school. No SUVs, BMWs, or GMCs.

Then passed through the crowd of "Trique" ? women in town from their village protesting something. They make a strong presence and are impressive. I've seen them in Mexico City protesting the government's lack of protection in their area from cartels illegal activities interfering with their community?    I played some pool with the boys...then had dinner at La Fonda for the first time. Burritos on the menu. Burritos are not a Oaxacan item but I loved them in Arizona. I think Taco Bell's are better but it was satisfying.

I took a lot of photos to show you the unifying force they are...all women and impressive.

La Fonda

I had lunch with Linda, one of my neighbors when I resided in Reforma after selling my condo and moving out of my Fiallo Casa.

Again...I forgot to take the photos of our Fresh Fish of the Day lunch which was very good. I was surprised to see a Bear in Oaxaca? Then I realized it was sculpted from the tree that grew there!
    Then later I had dinner with Helen, Kurt and Lynn after stopping for a glass of wine at Helen's apartment. We ate at a Restaurant on the top floor of Casa Baro, called Le Tierra.  We all ordered Lasagna and a drink. An hour later the waiter came to tell us they only had 2 orders of Lasagna.  Since we ate all the Hor'dourves Helen served earlier, we suggested splitting the 2 into 4 and GIVE US OUR ORDER. Ok...another 1/2 hour and I went to the Manager and explained that we were leaving and not paying for anything. He asked I wait and dished up the 4 half orders to take home with us , apologized and hoped we would return. 

What's left of Helen's Hor'dourves

Now I know what the guy with the Sage was doing. He was there tonight with some followers doing I think a Corn Dance Ceremony with drums.

Today I took Helen down to Vin y Vinyl to meet Kurt and Lynn and John and Carla for dinner.  Carla had the Beef wrapped around Asparagus and Lynn had a Sandwich with Salad.  The rest of us had the Pasta Bolognese and Pasta Fettucini.

Missed the photos of Pasta dishes...finished our wine and headed for the Zocalo for Ice Cream.

Fake American Indians making money...not sure how fake they are?

Dance to live music going on at the Zocalo..I took photos while the rest ate Ice Cream.

Helen and I took the bus. She got off first then I arrived to a Complex Gathering.  A now once a month happening.

Linda, Lee, Abby, Greg Francois (?), Roamy, Gaby, and Caroline.

Monday Morning...
Message from fellow photographer and friend, Doug in upstate N.Y.
 I did a double-take as I rode by, stopped the car, backed up and rolled the window down.  This heron did not budge, so I took a couple of pics with a normal lens. Then, I switched over to a telephoto lens (he/she still didn't budge),snapped a couple more, and drove away.  The pond was frozen over, but
the ice is smooth enough that it almost looks like water.  The bird was standing by the outlet. There must be some kind of food accessible there.  This is the second Great Blue I have seen in these parts in winter. 

Left for dinner at Ayuk. Tried the Chicken Italiano...very good.

Next morning I attended a gathering of Democrats Abroad for Breakfast.  I had the Enchiladas Suiza with Chicken in a Tomatillo Sauce. 

I got my haircut today then joined Helen, John and Carla for the Mardi Gras Parade

Jack Hammer causes too much dust and noise so it is all done with a
chisel and Sledge Hammer by some really hard working Mexicans.

                         One man sleeping on the sidewalk.

I sit facing the church. It is like watching a movie. Taxi driver's bless themselves as they pass the doors. People going to work, etc. Now at the Mardi Gras Parade.

                             Note the Shoes

                                           Click to View

Stopped at Black Burger to try one of their pretty good Burgers and admire their Leggo Work.

Today was Super Bowl...I ate at Ayuk again! Can't stay away.

...and I took a Tlayuda home for later. So good. I met John right at the "Kick Off" for 1st Superbowl in Vegas. I had my 2 glasses of wine and left after the half time show...not impressed with the game or the show...but told John that I'll get the news later that it went into Overtime and a last minute win for the pick not to win. And it did but I saw the last half and final in 10 minute condensed version on YouTube.  

                    Superbowl with a View of the Mountains.

Valentine's Day or Friendship Day in Mexico where everyone is a Friend and appreciated, is only 2 days away. 

La Jicara where it rains flower petals while you dine with waitresses that still wear Masks. 

Delicious Guava Pie after equally delicious Fresh Tuna Steak with Red Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes...ummmm.

It's Valentines Day and I've been working on my Taxes. Helen contacted me for dinner so I left early to get some Tax Docs copied then met her at Tasty Vin for Grilled Salmon and Salad. No photos but one:

She made all of these in hopes of selling some on Valentine's Day!

                       A Real Macho Man...with Wings

We left to meet our friends Halina and Barbara ...and their Polish friends.  It was a concert with the "TUNA" at San Pablo. The Tuna history goes back to the Middle Ages and I think started around Salamanca Spain where students at the University, formed a group of minstrels and entertained people for money to pay for their education. Others did the same all over Europe. Today the tradition lives on and Oaxaca, last year, won the International Competition! Quite an honor. Some join and have to do a 3 year commitment. When their 3 years are up they can leave but some stay for life. They are all very close, talented, entertaining and take their commitments very seriously. One of the Oaxacan Tuna's, Chris, lives in California and commutes to Oaxaca when they play.  He was one of the group that traveled to Europe to win the International award for Oaxaca.

Barbara helping adjust my camera for me...she is an engineer. 

                               The Polish Gang.

Halina....a long time good friend from my first arrival in Oaxaca

                       Helen sharing a "Selfie" with me.

 Halina, being the outgoing life of the party, couldn't resist an invitation to dance. Each patch on their Cape represents a University they have visited and entertained at with their medieval instruments and dress.

Today, Gaby and I are out to Friendship Day Dinner at Kintaro!
Again, I was so hungry I forgot to take photos until our entrees and desserts arrived.

                   Crickets love Broccoli and we love Crickets 

             I missed the Goya, Yakitori, and the Salmon Roll!

Matcha Mousse

                                        Lychee Ice Cream

      While we were there, I got a call from frantic Helen who had just been robbed. First signs of crime that my friends have experienced.  Once in a while a motorcycle pulls up with two persons and one person grabs a phone or purse then the other escapes with him on the bike.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos be careful u are a gringo my father !! Stay safe !! I love your blogs ! Tell Helen I said I’m so sorry that happened to her ..

Anonymous said...

A belated friendship day, David!
When your post comes, I always save it until I have plenty of time to look at it all carefully and go back to some of the pictures again and again … I love looking at the parades and all the delicious food..
Seeing some of the friends from Attica is always fun. All the beautiful pairs of those shoes. What are they?I would love only one pair!
I’m sorry for your friend’s robbery. It had to be horrible !!
Looking forward to the end of the month thank you David !!