
Thursday, March 17, 2022


          The month starts with a lecture tonight by a famous archaeologist that has been in Oaxaca for some time. The lecture was interesting but I had a hard time seeing or hearing the lecturer and her presentation as I got delayed and ended up in the back of the room.  

     We left for Tasta Vin y Tapas for dinner.  Lots of new businesses being added every day.

Ate the Salmon and Salad so no photo.
     We have had earthquake tremors day before yesterday and now on Dominoes Day. 
This one I felt while cooking breakfast...the building swayed...the maid alerted me to get out of the building...but my breakfast was on the stove.
        I took second place...had the lead almost to the end.  Judi won that.  Now it's my turn.  I can't leave Oaxaca without one win.
    Lunched at a new and very nice place.  The Chicken Enchilada with Soup and beverage was $3...really.  Service was good as was the food.

 Stopped  to buy some beans...lot to choose from:  


I woke at 7 am and managed to flag a taxi around 8:40 and arrived at Chepeche just in time to place an order with the waiter for my breakfast with the "Men's Breakfast Club". 

Food, service and conversation was great. I met a new friend named Russel from Brownsville Texas who had been coming to Mexico for 20 years and spent the first 2 in San Miguel de Allende. He recommended visiting the Baroque Museum in Pueblo where he was planning to visit soon.

 Marc and I walked to the Liverpool Billiards for our Cut Throat series with David Hobart.

 We stopped at Boulenc Bakery so I could get some bread and coffee beans.


When we arrived at the pool hall, I met David and discovered that he and his wife Carol, (that makes 3 David and Carol couples in Oaxaca)had been visiting here every year for the last 20 and lived in my complex for 2 of those years. We played many games of which I lost all. Kurt and 6 others were at another couple of tables playing 8 ball.

Saturday I joined Carol for Guacamole at Se y Norte (with a view), the 5th episode of Ana, then dinner at Vino y Vinyl with live Jazz music. 


We took a walk then ended up at the restaurant to meet everyone for eats and music.

                                   Another wedding and parade was going on.

One rather baracho mujer had reserved a table near the stage to listen to her favorite singer.  She was gushing accolades and hugs when the singer arrived with her guitarist. 

Then all through the performance was standing in front of her and talking to her while flitting around to tell everyone how wonderful the singer was.  Finally, another David, friend of mine, sat between her and the singer and every time she would stand, he would politely sit her back down until the owner came over for the last time and got her to pay and leave.  She got down the first flight of stairs and vomited everywhere covering the complete floor.  They were cleaning it up when we left.

The next morning we enjoyed our Pan Am breakfast of Huevos Rancheros and Vegetarian Benedict. 

Tonight we visited Kurt and Lynn for drinks on their rooftop then dinner at Convite nearby. The view is always fantastic.


We walked to have dinner at Convite but discovered they were not serving alcohol so left for Sur a Norte again, only to find no one was serving alcohol the day before elections...we had dinner and parted until next year.  They were leaving shortly for home in Northern California. 



                                                      TRES AMIGOS

Carol and I met Helen at Tasta Vin y Tapas for late lunch of Salmon and salad.  Only got 2 photos

The next day I went for a walk in my neighborhood and noticed a main street closed to traffic with a huge tent and dining room tables set up in the street to serve food. There was a restaurant there with a sign explaining the passing of the Owner who was laid out in the restaurant with wreaths of flowers everywhere.  People we paying their respects and the restaurant was only serving the people grieving for the owner.  I thought ...that could have been me if I hadn't given away my business. I felt sad.

Then my granddaughter Kelsey, who was celebrating her birthday, sent me two photos of my great granddaughter Izzy, Isabelle who will be celebrating her first birthday soon.

                                            Now that would brighten up anyone's day.

Today I suffered another defeat in my struggle to win one Mexican Dominoes Game before I leave Oaxaca.   We ate at El Sabor again and I printed up documents to sell my condo.

The next day I met Carol and we joined her Sister in Law , Sandra and her son the Artist Entrepreneur, Jaimie, with her girlfriend for dinner at Adama Jewish Restaurant.  I knew the Chef but didn't get a chance to talk to her about this recently opening adventure of hers.  We met at a Pop Up dinner 3-4 years ago.  I also went to one of her dinners when she was featured as a guest Chef at Origine, a popular Mexican restaurant.  She returned to Mexico City and I never saw her again until she opened Adama.  It was Friday and busy that evening.  Jaimie took charge and did all the ordering for us.  The evening was quite pleasant and the food was very good as usual.

 Sandra flew in from Australia where she had been on lock down, due to Covid, for almost 2 years in Melbourne.  Jaimie opens his new gallery in a week.  He is a very accomplished artist among other things. 

Saturday Carol and I had breakfast at Pan-Am but I broke tradition and joined her with Huevos de Sarten...very good.
I returned home and watched a movie, read a lot, and tackled my taxes for this last year.
Sunday I worked some more on the taxes.  I knew my friend Chris was driving into town so invited him to stop by and visit.   He called and suggested I join him for lunch at Santa Hierba, a new restaurant I've been hearing about but haven't been.  He picked me up and we had a wonderful lunch.  I had breakfast at home so just had Peach Toast...excellent.

Monday and I still hadn't finished my taxes nor heard from Carol.   I emailed her to see if she was OK and if we were still on for dinner with David and Carol Brown who were leaving soon.  She was upset having spent the weekend alone and not hearing from me.  I had explained I was doing taxes but we were not able to discuss it without anger so I cancelled dinner with her that night and agreed to discuss it later.  I went to Moglie and Marito for Tumeric Latte and a new egg dish I wasn't really happy with.  I got a Ham Sandwich for dinner that night and left.

 Helen was leaving shortly and we arranged a breakfast at Cabuche, but I changed it to Santa Hiebe knowing she would love it.  We met at 10 am and she told me she adopted a dog, took it to the Vet and postponed her trip back so she could take the dog.  Her dog Theo will be upset I think?  We had a nice meal and as usual, good conversation.

I walked to ADO bus station and got tickets for Carol and my travel to Pueblo on Monday for a few days to get away. I stopped to see the new hotel and restaurant that went up while I was gone over Covid.

                                                       Gerardo Rivera Concept??  Really

We hadn't talked about our disagreement but after a day , it didn't seem to matter.  I called to talk about it and we met at Tres Bistro and came to agreement.

We spent the next afternoon together...making up.  We had breakfast on Domino Day.


There will be another post...another day that will cover the last of March and until my departure April 6th for Phoenix.

1 comment:

Danny said...

Stop getting in trouble with the women! Do you have a car down there? The food... I want some of those eggs... seems you have more of a social life there than in the states. :)