Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday...start packing.

    Kay contacted Gabriel and left a message when I woke that I could see the "Oaxaca" Studio Saturday at 1 p.m.  I wanted to visit my St Augustine place today and take photos so studied the bus routes over coffee but really not sure.  I have to just do it but I'm tired.  I just finished my "healthy" breakfast so maybe I could work it off.  I'll start with a trip to the Mercado for some things to pack for the return trip.  Teresa allowed me one bag to leave at Mariposa so I can travel light on the way back.

      I was close to the Zocalo so walked down and bought some gifts to take home then walked over to the Crespa Bus line that takes me toward St Augustine.  I jumped on and took it up to my area then exited and walked around the area taking photos.  This was new territory for me and had I continued on I would have had to take a transfer later to get to St Augustine.  I was tired and headed for home.  Kay and I bumped into each other and confirmed our meeting tomorrow.  I did tell her I took the other place but was considering both.  She said we could work together and sublet one for the other.  She really wanted her grandchildren to stay in mine because it was next to her.  She also has friends that would like living in the country if I was staying in town.  She was on her way to a massage but agreed to call Yuko for me and try and get her email so I could forward my questions without having to bother going out there and scheduling another meeting with them.  I returned and emailed Kay the info then took a nap after going to a grand opening of a supermarket to get some water....I got lunch , some Tang and free candy all for the price of a bottle of water .50 cents.

      A quick Siesta then I invited Colin to join me for dinner at Biznaga but he had other plans.  I was passing the Santa Domingo Church when I ran into a large crowd, and a procession with police all around.  It was a Major Wedding of some prominent couple.  There were over 500 people, fireworks , a parade, band, dancers. and a long procession of people from all over Oaxaca all dressed in their finery. I took some photos. John the writer was at Biznaga when I arrive with the same lady he was with yesterday.  I didn't bother him this time. I had my wine and a Filet Mignon stuffed with Goat Cheese and served with Rice and roasted Peanuts in a Red Mole Sauce. It was another winner.  The wedding was still going on and outside there were rows of tables with photos of all the couples that attended for souvenirs.

     It was almost a full moon and a cool breeze with lovers, children, families, Mennonites, musicians, vendors, hawkers, singers, strollers, Mormons, Indians, Mexicans, beggars,tourists from all over the world, just a very vibrant eclectic fun place to be.
     Shortly after I returned I was relaxing in my room and I heard a knock.  I hurried to put on my pants saying I'm coming...and I opened the door to no one.  It was the beginning of the fireworks...the wedding was over. fine.

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