
Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 The weather has been beautiful.  It is rainy season but the rain has been short and sweet. Maddie returned from a few weeks in the states visiting family.  We met at a restaurant in Reforma that was recommended by a friend. It was a Mom and Pop with limited but good menu and had been around a number of years.  We met the owners on the way out as they thanked us for coming.

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The Pet Turtle

I don't remember what Maddie had, I had a Shrimp Soup with a Blue Crab in it...all with shells on an messy to eat for us gringos. Cooked perfect and very flavorful.

Guelagetza celebrations had these hard workers doing overtime. Not that they get paid extra but they do sort out all the trash...and that was a lot this last month.

                          Rainy evening but nice.

I returned to Kintaro after a month and Damien waited on me.  Just finishing school but has to pass German to graduate and struggling with it.  Works full time and school full time.  Speaks fluent English and very astute. The Japanese Curry was excellent.

Mexico makes the buyer beware of what they are eating...fat, sugar, salt, calories and fat are on all products if in excess.

Today was a very pretty Sunrise.  I had dinner at Tasty Vin.  My usual fresh Salmon, salad, and Mashed Potato. Always good. 

A spectacular Sunrise this morning! A giant bird in the sky! 

View from inside looking out.

                      Relaxed the whole day

Got a great breakfast at Ayuk. It is likened to a Stew but what a beautiful and flavorful stew it was.  Seasoned pork with refried bean over a blue corn tortilla. Simple elegant and came with fresh Melon/Papaya and fresh squeezed OJ....$7 !

What a great life...I went for a long photo walk around the city. 

Two new restaurants next to each other that are just opening. One has a Piano Bar & Rooftop Service!  I will see this month when checking the food out at these places.

           Complete 360% panorama on the Terrace. Click to open full. Interesting clouds tonight.

I started my day with a trip to the library to donate more "stuff", then to One in Oaxaca...a favorite gallery Cafe a friend from Australia started a few years after arriving to make Oaxaca his home. His Mother also moved to retire here. He is extremely talented and now has two businesses he is working on. The coffee was the best in Oaxaca...THE BEST. Later I ate at another favorite that I had not been to in months. Yegole!

         Had to have 2 coffees and delicious Banana Bread.

           600 year old tree....

Nice Fresh Green Beans, Mushrooms, Tomato and Avocado with Sourdough and Eggs.

Homeless man taking a bath with rain water from puddle.

Another Ayuk Breakfast...I tried the same dish as last time, but this one was a Tomato Sauce instead of Refried Bean Sauce and Beef instead for Seasoned Pork. It also came with Fruit and Coffee for $7. 

Later in the day I took a walk around and decided to try a new restaurant called Cozana on Garcia Vigil, advertising a Piano Bar. The Piano was downstairs but I went to the roof and ordered one of very few items listed...Black Hamburger. No wine so I had a beer.  The Burger was tasteless and dry as well as the "Black Roll" it was served on. View was OK but would not return. I think they catered to a Night Club Atmosphere with a DJ.  Not a place to eat.

 Chris met me at Casa Hildago for Breakfast the next day. He had a healthy Egg White Omelet that I would never order. Flavor is in the Yolk. I had Chicken Enchilada's with Squash Blossoms, Pickled Red Onions and Oaxacan Cheese...very good. Spent the day relaxing and doing nothing.

Sunday I usually treat myself to Casa Celia but today I decided to do a Burger at Casa De La Chef.  BBQ.  OK.

Monday I couldn't wait to get to Ayuk for my Avocado Eggs and had a Fruit Dish with it. Awesome.

Linda mentioned she was considering moving to Lake Chapala, an American/Canadian enclave near Guadalajara. Later I discovered she had put in her notice for the end of this month. I love my place but it's shared bath for guests and few want that.  Her place had 2 beds and 2 bathrooms and was light and airy but no view like this.  I have a year and 1/2 left on my lease and when I comes up, I would leave this compound for a 2 bedroom 2 bath place.  I love this location and our "clan" so decided to take Linda's place and live out my lease there and then renew or move but now I can start sharing my place and getting people to stay and pay part of the rent while I travel a bit.

I decided to treat myself to a new restaurant that had a pricey Wine menu and an expensive menu but the food looked worth it.  I went upstairs on the roof but rain threatened so I played it safe and sat inside.  All wines by the glass started at about $12-20 average. 
      I ordered the cheapest and it was very good but so little of it. I ordered an Old Fashion after for $8 that was great. My entree was a NY Steak...not our Strip but a Fatty Rib-Eye with Bearnaise Sauce.  They put the sauce over the top so I couldn't see where the fat was or wasn't.  It was slow eating but very flavorful.  I ordered it Medium Rare...mistake. It came Rare on the verge of Raw covered with Sauce so it made it hard to return it to cook a bit more.  I ate and enjoyed it but would ask for Sauce on the side next time.  I ordered a Aficado with Ferrinati Herbie dessert wine. I enjoyed that on the patio.  Around $54 tip included.

Chocolate Ice Cream with Expresso and Dessert Wine

 Friday I walked over to Jalaltco then down to the Zocalo and back.  It was wasted pleasurable day.

Saturday I had Breakfast and lunch at Ayuk and Stir Fry and home.

Breakfast...Seasoned Pork with Tomato...etc.

Lunch....Chicken Alfredo..

Dinner homemade Red Cabbage Sauerkraut with Fresh Baby Kale and Brown Rice. 

Sunday I walked to the Zocalo and discovered Chili

Guajule, a Mexican Fast Food Restaurant that looked really good.  I walked to the Cashier, ordered and paid 135 Peso $7.25. Horchata Almond Beverage, Bowl of Tortilla Soup with Mushrooms, 2 Chicken Tostadas, and a Small Chocolate Cake. Very good and the price was excellent. 

Monday was dinner at Ayuk with Chicken Huerta...stuffed with Cheese, Squash Blossoms and Veggies, served with Mashed potatoes and Fresh Green Beans...around $12.

Today was Domino Day. After I got beat Maddie and I went to AM for lunch. She had a nice Tuna Croissant Sandwich and I a Croque Madame with and Egg and Salad.

Lee and I went to Norte y Sur Rooftop for dinner.  I had the Seasonal Mushrooms and he the Marinated Beef with Veggies. Both excellent as usual.

Ian had arranged a Breakfast at Rustika with Carl and myself .  I walked down while enjoying the quiet early morning. We ordered then chatted for a time.  Carl recommended a Trilogy called Plainsong by Kent Haruf about a fictitious town in Colorado, that I am just starting to read. It was a nice visit and meal.

I went over to Linda's to take some photos of new place...not very helpful as she is in process of moving.

Lots to do....meanwhile...the View I enjoyed has changed but I won't have that view shortly.  

                Done with a hand saw and machete.
Much nicer before...but should grow back but without the Bougainvillea not like my hair.

I had dinner today at Tasty Vin. My usual Salmon Salad and wine.  

It the mood for dessert of Chocolate Truffle with Taylor Port Wine.

Lunch at Ayuk today.

Another at Ayuk ....


Had the Avocado Eggs along with it.

My plants...going to miss them that I can't take and the views!

Maybe my Mask would be happier in the new place?

I had the monthly Brunch at Marco Polo's with the Democrats Abroad group. Nice turn out and breakfast but 20 people talking I couldn't hear the person next to me through the din? Makes me anxious and frustrated.
I stopped in the park on the way home and read a chapter of my new book. So serene and peaceful on a wonderful, beautiful day.
This stone and the carvings must have a story? I will ask Marco Polo?

I just love this home and would like to tour the inside but the city grew around what I think was a Hacienda in earlier days and now is a Coffee Shop, Apartment, and has another business on the "Main Drag".

           Fantastic day to relax in the Consatti Park.

I gave my Buddha to Linda for being so helpful with the move to her apartment.  She admired it. Bye Bye Buddha!

                        Full Oaxacan Moon tonight?
     Lee and I checked out a Sushi bar in the area that I used to go to but didn't care for the Management or selections.  The Sushi Chef was pleasant and good and bought the place and changed it to the better.  Now had a Sushi Bar that seats more than 4 people. Changed the menu a bit and served us excellent Sushi.  He is closing in September and will reopen when he returns from "Japan"!!  
      Full moon tonight.

Fixed my own breakfast of Hamburg, Eggs, Avocado with Cholula Hot sauce.  Ate lunch at Ayuk. Took some photos around.  Then Lee and I went to Lenora. He has the fish and I the burger. Fish I will order next time.

Waiting again to change Credit Card Autopay for Fiber Optic network.

Great last day of the Democratic Convention in Chicago.    I watched alone and still applauded with the audience.  I saw Obama and the rest and thought that was great.  Kamala's closing speech was very good. I hope the next 4 years will change America.  I was down on the lies, corruption, politics, violence, drugs, fake news, hacks on our systems, police pregidics, lobbyists, loss of representation by our own elected Congress and Senate to the corporate gifts, and the SUPREME COURT'S asinine decisions, etc.
     Climate change is still an issue, but I now believe we have moved forward.   I embrace it. I was mostly worried about the future of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren more than my short time left, which I intend to enjoy to the fullest.  This time in Oaxaca has been one of the greatest experiences of my lifetime and I intend to die here...but only after I've seen, as much as I can of the world.  
         What I hoped for I got tonight.  I got belief in my country back again. 
    I will die in Oaxaca unless climate change kicks me out.  

I went for an EVENING walk. Haven't been out at night in a month or so.  I stopped at Berlina to see Gabo and took a great Bratwurst and German Potato Salad with Brown Bread home to eat. Nice visit and evening.

Ayuk breakfast today. 

Divorced Eggs and Fruit and Oatmeal.

Today I walked around, took some phones and had lunch at Yogole in Jalaltco. It appears some Mexicans feel Tourism and Expats are destroying a lifestyle...and they are right.

          Roots grew together when they married.

Saying goodbye to my view...moving next door.

Dogs watched me move today. Lunch at Ayuk. Then Happy Hour with Democrats Abroad.

D-Day...end of the month Move.  The boys, Juan, Jose and Luis showed on time to move the TV,Couch, and some Water Bottles.  I have been moving small amounts back and forth, downstairs, upstairs, downstairs and back upstairs...10 - 12 trips a day. Breakfast at Ayuk...first. At the end of the day I treated to late lunch at ...AYUK.

The last day of the move.  My new start in my new digs.
We went back and forth all afternoon then they broke out the guitar and sang some songs to commemorate the day at Gaby's apartment with Linda and I. Breakfast at Ayuk for me.

Paid them off with a possible job to put dimmers in new place when I return from Phoenix/Buffalo trip.

I enjoyed my first night sleep in the new apartment. What a mess for now. Moved stuff into storage areas, etc...took photos.  Then went to dinner at Coco Beach and had a Shrimp Ceviche Tostada then Fresh Salmon Stuffed with Spinach and Shrimp with a side of Mushrooms and a $60 bottle of wine!

I am busy packing and planning the trip to Phoenix to see the Doctors, Dentist, Dermatologist, Urologist, Audiologist, and Optometrist. My daughter Heather will be visiting for 4 days. We are having Dinner with Roman, my Grandson, her and Jeannie, the one who graciously allows me to stay at her place. My ankle flared up after 4 months of treatment. I took a long walk and visited a gallery. Yesterday, my masseuse gave me a send off Massage and then I had breakfast at Cabouche...Eggs Rancheros and had to have the Mango Flan!...Rainy day later...good bye until October!

              My new view of my old place!   Enjoy!


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