
Sunday, June 16, 2024


   To start the blog with a title: The Beauty and the Beast- Mexico, has a different meaning for many. I'm not doing politics...just the wonders of Mexico and accepting the shortcomings...mostly because we gringos are spoiled brats that shop 24/7 and can buy weapons or almost anything at any hour. It's called: capitalist consumerism...a way of life for some. The title was a comment about Mexico someone had heard. That resonated with's what I've encountered living here.

    Yesterday was a Beast Day for me, when I had to try and return my BIG TV...that is SMART to Sam's Club (Walmart).   I took my friend Maddie who is an incredible Spanish Conversationist. We met at her hotel where she lives. She introduced me to Carlos, one of the owners or manager who impressed me with his sincerity. I had been observing the lobby and office while waiting for Maddie when I noticed that they minimalized necessary notices for protection of the guests and the owners.  Pool hours, hours for Front Desk, ...simple neat and surrounded by family photos as well as those of countries they travel to and visit their friends.  I was an Assistant Housekeeper for a 500 room hotel. We were also responsible for all the lobby and public bathrooms in the hotel.   This hotel was professional, family run, and efficient. I complimented him and we taxied to Sam's and went right to the counter with receipts, orders , photos, etc to request our refund and return of the product. 

Breaking News:  This story will take at least 5 minutes so if you wish...skip to the second photo...then return or not.

(The TV I bought was dropped off the day before at the entrance of my complex...not delivered to the door.  I opened it, put legs on it and got Sabino to help me set it on its resting place. I started to put it together but could not find many parts: the remote, only one HDMI and optical Audio...I have Roku, Amazon Firestick, Sound Bar...this was not going to work and its not the one I was shown that had 2 HDMI, etc...bait and switch.  I called the remote! Hung up on me.                         I went online where I bought it and filed a return item form right away.   "The Chat bot took me 30 minutes of answering questionnaires before talking to someone. Hi I am David who.....5 minutes later you have given him/her your problem, what you expect to be done, all the information you have and press send and the response is a questionnaire. If they read your story, they would know all of it and now you have to repeat the whole thing to a robot computer.  After you remote or something.  The next questionnaire pops up with instructions on how you can remedy that to get your TV on by pressing a button on the Front Center bottom part. I tried for 2o minutes and eventually a flashlight and moving the TV at different angles, I came to the conclusion that there was NO button. I answered another multiple choice of which NONE are relevant to my issue but I can't talk to a person to explain something so simple it could have been resolved within a minute. 

      Finally, I did get a person and he imediatley recognized my lack of Spanish so conveyed that he would get someone to help...English Hotline? or take bets on how long it takes the Gringo to hang up. I think he was sincere but living in Mexico waiting 10 minutes on the phone is nothing. I gave him 20 and hung up." 

The lady at Sam's Service counter apologized but informed me that because I ordered on line, I had to return it on line.  Sorry, Bye.) 

    When we returned to the Hotel, Maddie enlisted aide from Carlos, the Bi-Lingual Manager who happily agreed to sit on the phone and computer for what must have been an hour.  The first attempt was trying to get into the account.  I didn't think I would need to do this, so took a taxi home, had the driver wait, and got on the site to be sure I had the right password and returned to Carlos. He managed to get them to say they would email me with times of pick up in the next 7-10 days...nothing about the refund or the discrepancy between the the order slip I paid for the and the existing one I pulled up after I received the TV with the order being for a Display Model.  All I had was the receipt from the CCard company.  Carlos now has them working on it and they will email me.

Maddie and I enjoyed a nice lunch as the only customers of Tres Bistro at about 12:30-1pm .  Oysters, Shrimp Tacos, and a Nice Salad with splitting  a Creamy Flan with Homemade Ice Cream.  

That evening, I decided to treat myself and had a Sirloin Burger at Sur y Norte with a glass of Wine when I noticed some passer byes from down on the street and returned home.

I started researching TV's more since I gave away my TV the day the new one arrived.  I refused to even look at Sam's Club collection but did try Walmart. That was almost as worse.  I wasted from 4:30 to 8 pm. The time it took to visit Walmart and buy a TV then come back with nothing except the Cash they refunded you for the purchase you made with your Debit card. 

I saw the Samsung TV advertised that I wanted so got a sales person who spoke little English but mostly typed everything he wanted to say onto Translate until I gave him my phone and we could converse over Google translate without typing anything. He got the discounted sticker off the box and told me to take a copy to the cashier and pay for it. I did, got a receipt then I returned and he took me back to the service desk and told me I had to give her the receipt and she would give me the money I paid.  Then after they get my address, where on the map, and delivery time, I could return to the cashier and pay it again?  I could get a taxi and take it tonight? I said I would return the next day and did  not.  

I went over to Casa Celia that night to get an nice meal and Lee was there having my favorite, the Beef Bourgeon.  I ordered it with wine, but when he returned with the wine he said Lee had the last I had the Shrimp and Octopus Stew which was different then any seafood dish I've had and delicious. We left and a Corn Dance was going with incense burning , drum beating and 4 people dancing around in circles. 

The next day I called the "boys" to replace my pull chain on my window shade with a metal one since the plastic broke.  They showed up the next day and completed the job so I asked if they could help me put my TV back in the box to be returned because I could not do it alone. We got it packed and ready for pick up, whenever that will happen?

        I researched some more and decided on a Hisense TV from Germany and the NBA's recommendation?

I went on line and discovered Coppell Dept and Liverpool Dept stores handled this brand. I went to Coppell this morning. I was paying for the one I wanted but my American C. Card was rejected!  Do you have a Mexican card...yes but not enough money in it.  I can add more tomorrow and return to pay.  OK.  I left without a purchase.
      I knew Liverpool Store had it and decided to take the bus and see.  I arrived and it was featured at the electronics section.  The clerk spoke fluent English and it was cheap enough that I could pay for it with my Mexican debit card....whoopie. He brought out the box and asked if I want to open it and see that everything was there. I told him I wanted it delivered and couldn't take it today. He explained he could not keep it since I had paid for it I had to take it.  He could give me until the store closed then refund my money.  He suggested a taxi so I called the taxi but he was not allowed to enter the plaza and had to wait outside on the busy road.  The clerk and I went to talk to the driver and discovered there was no way it would fit so I apologized to the driver and offered him a tip but he refused because unbeknownst to me, the taxi company already charged my credit card because I wasn't there on time! I will go back to paying in cash for now on. 
    Liverpool told me they would hold it until opening the next day so I could make arrangements. I returned home and immediately texted Zoe and Chris, the only two people that might help. Then I called my regular taxi guy, Victor, who I knew had a large taxi and the Mover that hauled my furniture when I took this apartment. None returned my call except the taxi to tell me he would not be working on Sunday.  
   I finally went to Roamy, the landlord's daughter to ask if she, growing up in Oaxaca would know of a service to transport people or a Van that would do it. Her partner, Jean from France said he would do it with her Mercedes.  The next morning we drove out and picked it up. It just fit! 
       But read the model wrong...I wanted UHR 8 K and SAW UHR 6 K and mistook it for 8.  I didn't realize it until we went to pick it up.  After 6 weeks of going crazy...I could have swapped it for the 8 and paid the difference which would have taken an hour or more, but I had the ride and the driver so just took it.  It's much better than my last but not the 8 with the clarity I wanted. I hooked it up and spent 2 hours playing with it last night and am satisfied.  It is a big step up and good quality. I have it on the counter but will have to buy a wall mount and get the "boys" back to put it up to accommodate the sound bar, Roku, and Firestick. For all the frustration and anxiety (the Beast of Mx) here is the difference between US and Mexico...the Beauty     

 Botus stopped by to offer his condolences for all my efforts.


Sushi Bar to Check out and get back on track if it COOLS. 97% Today  

A lot of wires and stuff...Mount is ordered and the "boys" alerted.  Gaby sent me a photo of her new pet in Miami...I think it's her Aunt's.  I had dinner at Vin and Vinyl tonight and picked out a Johnny Cash album to accompany my dinner. Made me homesick...which home I'm not sure just melancholy. 

                     Put a fan on my table...thank you!

             Excellent...first Pasta Dish in Long time.

                              So So Flan....

The next day I had a Gluten attack and I'm sure it was the delicious Pasta I more. I had been indulging in small amounts with no problem but a whole

Dominoes Day! I stopped for a quick Oatmeal and fruit breakfast then arrived.  Maddie beat me quickly so we went to the New Sushi Restaurant next door for our first time.  The owner was pleasant and the food was good. I didn't get photos when it came out but will correct that in the future!

            That evening I had Salad and Meatballs at Casa Celia.

Meatballs were great...salad could use a better cheese, this was tasteless.

Today I had breakfast at the Mercado nearby. Huervos Rancheros again. Then the "Boys" showed to Mount my TV.  They worked hard and got it mounted but we need to get some hooks to hang the wires behind. Next week.

     I left for dinner of Chicken Vegetable Soup and Stuffed Chicken.

                        Gari, guarding Lee's Casa.

          Chris and I had lunch at Casa Celia today. 

               Roasted Cauliflower Salad...very good.


 This Morning I tried Scrambled Eggs with Chorizo at Ayuk...didn't look great but was very tasty. 

                    Tour Group.....

Woke to a hazy morning and couldn't see the mountains. Oaxaca has a couple of forest fires, so I think it's smoke. My air Filter registered a high number for particulates. That evening I went to a new restaurant that took over Vin y Vinyl's old location near Llano Park. Took long for them to remodel but did a great job. Still loud with bare hard walls and I think the hired a 2nd cook to be the Chef?  I ordered a Steak Arranchera, which is a commercial grade but marinated for flavor and tenderness.  It has neither and had never been marinated. Lot's of fat free tough meat cooked rare the way I ordered it BUT served on a Sizzling platter that cooked it Medium then Well before I could eat it.
Nothing but a few small onions and peppers came with it. I finished my wine and took it to go.

 Adama had just reopened after being closed for the hot months, so I stopped in as I ate little at the "B Butcher" Restaurant. I enjoyed some stuffed grape leaves and another Roast Cauliflower dish with my wine.  Saw Jamie and Sandra, my friends, with his lady friend and stopped on the way out to say hello. The Chef Owner looked happy to be back.  I asked how she enjoyed her Sabbatical. She enjoyed the time off and had some nice wines.

Dominoes at my place with Maddie went fast!  My follow-up Dermatologist appointment was at 1 pm so Maddie left for lunch with friends and I took a taxi up the Mountain to my appointment. He took a good look, gave me a new script for the same Medicine creme that my friend Hector recommended a month ago.  I apply that AM and PM for 6 weeks on my wound and he said that would heal it.  I climbed down the mountain and stopped at "AM Restaurant for a nice Brie Sandwich and Ginger Beer.

Ian and Allie sent me an email recommending a nice Japanese Breakfast and Lunch place.  I stopped to drop of some clothes for the immigrants at the library then found Koko tucked away on Morales.  I had a very good Cordado Espresso with Basted Eggs, Cheese and Serrano Ham.  Very good and pleasant, friendly place.

I cut through my old neighborhood to get a haircut and noticed some "Gentrification" going on in La Noria.  Had a wonderful haircut then glimpsed the Zocalo. Lee sent me a photo...All the tents and protesters are finally gone.

Why do people close their eyes when they smile, and why didn't I notice that?  Zocalo was alive again...pic that Lee sent.

Hundreds of Tents...GONE!

Thanks for allowing me to bore you with my drivel about the TV purchase...I will close this post with one more before the end of June. 😎



Anonymous said...

This was fascinating…. all had for a TV.!
I’m so glad you got the “boys” back to help you. I’m not sure about that octopus dish. I wouldn’t eat that. Looking forward to hearing from you again.!!

Anonymous said...

Hi David. I don’t know how to comment With my Google account, so it made me Anonymous. I sent your picture of the boys with the TV to Juan. I’m sure he got a kick out of it. John Emerling.