Friday, November 29, 2019


     My visitor left last week.   I got a haircut but my barber was busy so I took his assistant.  I had him once before and did almost left me bald after I requested "short".  This time I told him ..."just a regular haircut".  It was perfect.  Now how do I tell my regular barber the next time I go in, that I no longer want him to cut my hair.  He has been doing it for 6 years and never as nice as his assistant but he's an old guy who's wife passed away and he cares about his profession.  He should retire but he will die in that barber shop.  I'll just hope he is busy when I go next time.

     Bought some compression socks.  I had some I brought to Oaxaca but gave them away last year when I decided it was a pain to put them on and convinced that that did no good for me.   Now I have major varicose veins and blockage in both leg arteries.  So $20 american I thought was high but it's average.
     I had a comida ..lunch special includes app, entree, desert, set El Sabor.  It was the first time since last winter and Tony remembered I didn't like it spicy.  It was excellent. 

       Last visit to Oaxaca I made a new friend playing Dominoes.  She moved here permanently from New England area and gave away everything she owned to set up a place here.  We had a lovely lunch and conversation today at Terranova.
          I hope to spend more time with her doing more things.  First we decided to get the Dominoes game going again!

    Tom, my friend, picked me up the other day for another shopping spree to Home Depot, Cherdaui, Walmart, Sam's Club and ended at Sorina's.  I got a replacement shade for my window and restocked enough to get me almost through till my Christmas departure.

    The library had a sale today and I visited but was 10 minutes late for the opening.  It was packed and most everything was gone!   I noticed some paintings that I didn't need so was going to buy one but it was $50.  I needed to use the credit card.  No credit I had them set it aside while I ran to the bank and returned. 
        On the way I noticed a SUV with 100's of stickers from Countries and States on it. A sign asking for gas money to return to Argentina after a long family trip to Alaska!  They were on the road for over a year. 

I ran over and gave them some money and we exchanged email addresses and they gave me a photo of them with their blog and website.  I took a taxi home after purchasing this painting.
                                       OLL BAZAR UPDATE The Bazaar opened it's doors early because there were about 150 people lined up itching to get in. It ended at 11:20 with everything sold except for four small boxes of clothing. MX$30,000 ($1500 USA) was raised. The customers were happy and the volunteers were happy!   

 My new shade works well and I found a place to put the painting.  Now I need a drill.
        This evening I watched Cowspiracy and The Game Changer.  The message I got was clear so I decided to go Vegan.

     Hector, another good friend, stopped by to visit this afternoon.  We had a nice chat then went to lunch at Las Ramblas and had some Ceviche and Mahi Mahi.  It was good to see him.  I am weaning myself off of seafood.

      I wandered around a few gallery exhibits and just enjoyed the day.

    Wednesday I decided to stop procrastinating and made the afternoon pool game at Liverpool Hall.  It was great and had lunch at a new place near the library.  It has been 2 days on my Vegetarian Diet.   Something new to get used to.  I already decided I love seafood too much to be a Vegan and do without eggs, dairy, seafood.

    Today was the first day we started up Dominoes.  I got there early and set up but noticed one of our Dominoes sets were missing and the other was a small one.  We were only 3 players so no problem.  Milt and Madeleine showed and we were all excited to start another season.  Both of them had been getting together on occasion and playing before I arrived. I put in an order with Amazon to buy 2 sets of double twelves and replace the missing one and keep one at the house in case some friends dropped by. 
      Madeline and I ate Vegetarian at the Indian Taj Mahal Restaurant.  The owner was pleased to see me back.     Last time it was too spicy but this was good...for $4.50.

       Today I took over the Management of my granddaughter's Go Fund Me account.  We have raised a good sum but far from our $7000 goal to pay for her operation and help for the months ahead while she recuperates and finds a job.  She just got out of surgery yesterday.[object Object]
        Big Event with a Band this afternoon so stopped by to discover it was my Doctor's Son's Wedding party.  I paid $10 to get the Roast Pig Taco's and Beans.  Yes I'm trying to be a Vegetarian now to reverse my harding of the arteries...if it's not too late.  I couldn't refuse a Pig smoked over a wood fire?     Wedding Band one of the Wedding Singer's and Blues .
       I ran downstairs to Pitaco for a bottle of wine to wash it down.  The wedding party was on the right with guests and we were invited friends on the left.   Michelle, her new friend, her brother, and assorted people I knew were scattered around.  I took a lot of phone photos then Chris showed up from Phoenix.  He recently rented a full time place near Llano Park and put in all new appliances and furniture, then bought a house in St Augustine Etla about an hour away.  He sold everything in Phoenix and is so excited to be here.  We had a nice "catch up".  We were all pretty loaded by the time the food was ready to serve.  I ate and thanked everyone then left.  Great and unexpected day!

Doc's son, wife, him Michelle and Me


          Buen Fin is a big sale weekend for Oaxacan businesses.  2x1 , big discounts, specials throughout the city.  Tom picked me up at 1 pm at my condo and off again for a whirlwind Home Depot, Sam's Club, Cherdaui, and Walmart tour with every store packed and difficult parking.  Tom seemed stressed but we accomplished our goal.  I got enough to kick start my Vegetarian diet and a free reading lamp compliments of Tom.  

Christmas in Big Box stores in Oaxaca...yuk!

     Taja had woke in the night with her drainage tube broke loose from her neck and had to be removed.  She felt OK this morning and told me not to worry when I couldn't get into the account to update her status and share with possible donors.  Cindy, her adopted mother, did it and Taja thinks she can do a lot.  It really wasn't difficult but had to be attended to everyday.  I will be done with any responsibilities the end of December when I return to Arizona.  Now I'm just a back up or fill in as needed.

        It's Sunday, my favorite day in Oaxaca.   I hope to get out to walk and visit a Textile exhibit I heard about.  Tom and I are going to Tres Bistro for dinner tonite...a once a month 
tradition. I had Pizza Margarita.  Tom had his usual Grande Martini with Octopus.

     It was a beautiful evening out and an Art show was nearby.

        Monday I got on the Go Fund Me web site but couldn't access the Management part.  I had changed the password but I was no longer a team member and my user/pass didn't work.   I got a message from Taja that Cindy, her adopted mother and team member, had posted an Update for her now that Heather, her Aunt was no longer involved.  Taja said the new password worked for her.   I'm happy Cindy helped but she has lost her sight in one eye due to detached retina and is now having problems with her other eye.  Pray that doesn't happen to me.   Well I'll keep trying so I can be the back up for Taja and Cindy until the end of December when I will return to Snottsdale.
       I spent most of the day on the computer, reading, and watching TV so forced myself out of the house to the Bakery and picked up some Honey and Peanut Butter.  Need to walk everyday. 


         This morning I was up and out the door by 11am.  The power went out just as I was leaving.   The bus to the library dropped everyone off half way to our destination.  Another blockade set up.  This time the "Teachers" (that's what they call themselves), shut down the Southern access and exit to Llano park area so all the traffic from the North and South just went around in a circles. That created a chain reaction that backed up most of the traffic in the Centro area.   I got to walk more.

       I arrived at the library to pick up 2 books on Death and Dying in Oaxaca.  Be prepared!
The lady that wrote the book was upstairs in a needle bee with 20 other ladies.  I had to have a friend point her out.  She had my books all wrapped and ready so I headed for the pharmacy and added some pain lotion to put on my carpel tunnel hand and wrist.
        I took a break when I reached the Zocalo for an Orangeade.  The Opera House ticket booth was open when I passed so bought a ticket for $10 to see the simulcast from the Met in NYC on Saturday when Annalisa comes to town.  We are having a reunion over lunch afterward.   I noticed a film festival at the Teatro Juarez with The Irishman playing on Thursday.  It is over 3 hours long and hasn't even come out yet on Netflix where it was produced!  I was surprised to see it but will watch it on Netflix . Martin Scorsese, Robert Di Niro, Al Pacino, Harvey Keitel, etc...Oaxaca gets it a week before it's released.  I'm not surprised.

          When I got close to home I decided to pick up some Grapefruit at a Mother/Daughter stand that peels and cleans the segments for me and only charges $1 for everything.  I bought some watermelon to treat a friend that works close to my house.  He stands out in the sun all day just to keep trespassers from taking a short cut through a factory yard.  He was pleased.
       The power was still out after I arrived but Lulu assured me her husband Hector was on his way to correct it.  One hour later and after a flurry of people in and out of the condo , checking this and that...we finally got back the power.  Hector commented that I looked thinner than before I left 6 months before.  I find that hard to believe but it made me feel thinner to hear that.   
        Deke, our gringo manager from Oregon, returned last night but has been catching up on sleep and unpacking all day.

        Stayed in most of the day, then went to Happy Hour at one of my favorite places.  Distilleria is a Mescal cocktail bar with very good food.

        Dominoes Day...before setting up I stopped at the pharmacy to get some Decongestants,
Cough syrup, and Mexican Alka Seltzer.  I almost was a no show for Dominoes but took some old meds I had at the house when I felt this cold coming on.  They cleared me up a bit so now I was setting up my new set of double twelves I bought for us.  Milt showed up with his double twelves he had at the house and never used.  Then two players from last year showed up so we had 5 this time and now can host two tables of 8 each when the season arrives.  I lost miserably but blamed it on my cold and the meds.
      Milt, Madeleine and I went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant near her room she lives at in a Hotel.  She likes it because she can swim in the pool everyday. I wonder if that's a thing with retired teachers?  For $2.50 we had a nice meal of soup, entree, dessert and beverage.
        I walked to Las Rambla and said hello to Salma and Arno.  They are putting on a Thanksgiving dinner and have reservations for 18 already.  Arno is reading recipes for Roast Turkey with Mashed Sweet Potatoes , Veggie, Apple Pie..etc.  I bought fresh squeezed OJ to take home.
       The maid had cleaned the apartment and Deke was there to say hello.  We had a reunion Mescal together and talked about our summer and time away.  He is a great Manager of the complex as well as a friend.



Stuart Loomis was born on this day, November 21, 1919, in Kansas, Missouri.
As a child he loved music and was the Drum Major for his high school band. Later, he went on to study at the University of Nebraska with the plan of becoming a music teacher and orchestra conductor. The plans of mice and men go astray.  Times were harsh during the Depression and FDR’s WPA was in effect. Thousands of homeless young people whose families could not feed them found shelter at National Guard Camps during the summers and at cheap government assisted hotels when winter struck. A friend recruited Stuart to help these young adults adjust to their difficult new lives.  His career in psychology and community service was born! He began working towards a degree in Psychology at the University of Chicago.

But, World War II intervened and with the military’s usual wisdom, they assigned Stuart to be a ground crew chief for anti-aircraft. After his crew shot the tail off their training plane (The pilot had to parachute.), someone finally checked his file. He was reassigned to the medics as a psychology assistant. After the war, as a psychologist, Stuart became Chief of Veteran Testing & Counseling at the University of Chicago. He set up clinics around the country to deal with PTSD and other veteran issues. A colleague of his became the Dean of Students for San Francisco State and lured Stuart away to San Francisco. 

Stuart became the Chief of Veteran Testing & Counseling at Letterman  General Hospital and also taught psychology at SF State. In 1960, Haight Ashbury Clinic was founded and Stuart became the Chief Psychologist. The 1960’s were turbulent for San Francisco. Movements and protests such as Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Free Speech and Anti Vietnam abounded. In 1967, the call went out to young people across the country: “Wear a flower and come to San Francisco!” 100,000 hippies, with jingling bells and flowers, flooded the Haight Ashbury District bringing with them an appetite for free love, drugs, free food and creativity. Drug overdoses, diseases, overpopulation and unsanitary conditions quickly followed. Stuart was at the forefront of dealing with these problems.

In 1972, an old friend, Gary Titus, who went on to start Oaxaca’s Learning Center, asked Stuart to help him get set up in Oaxaca. Stuart, who had visited Mexico City and Guadalajara, liked Oaxaca and moved there after meeting his longtime companion, Cipriano Ramos.

In the early 1980’s, Stuart was elected to the Oaxaca Lending Library Board. Coming from a generation of dedicated library supporters, he joined with other volunteers who were determined to keep the OLL open. It wasn’t easy. In later years, he also was a founder of the OLL's LGBTQ's Breakfast.

Stuart has led a life of caring service, loyalty and love to all those around him. The world is a better place because of men like Stuart. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY!

Stuart was born a month before my father.  Dad would be 100 December 14th.  Died at 57.On a happier Great grandson celebrated his birthday yesterday.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing


     Back to life in Oaxaca.  My cold is getting worse but I'm managing it.  Will get out for a walk now and visit the Friday Market.  It moved two years ago and I've not been to the new location since. Meanwhile Deke, the Manager, and I are sharing our Mescal back and forth.  Mexicans say "Drink Mescal for everything".
         I took the bus outside my front door and got off within a block of the Baseball stadium.  I passed the store that makes the large paper mache characters used in the parades.  Talked a bit with the proprietor who was busy sewing new outfits to adorn the figures.
Drying in the Sun

Awaiting some Clothes


       He has been making these giants for parades, weddings, celebrations, and birthdays for years.  He greeted me with Bienvideo Viva Oaxaca...with his hand on his heart..a sincere welcome.

         The Market was supposed to be behind the stadium so I walked to the back and asked a guard.  He directed me back and down the side street but after a block I had to ask a small business lady.  She sent me down another side street right to the Market.  It was good size and I walked around for an hour looking for the Furniture maker.  I bought some things from him before.  He makes good quality, cheap, and delivers. He was no longer at the Market?  I bought some Goat cheese that Deke requested and took a taxi home.

  After dropping off Deke's homemade cheese I made some Vegetable Lentil Curry Soup to last the next few days.  I watched the movie "Big Fish" with Albert Finny but a little corny for me.

        I am supposed to meet Annalisa at the Opera today.  We are going to have lunch/dinner after and visit.  I want to pass and just meet after with the tail end of this cold so near.  I walked to the opera after dropping a cup of my homemade Curry Vegetable Lentil Stew to Deke.   I arrived a bit early so stopped next door for a mug of Tea and there and behold was Mike, a retired person who volunteers his time at the Learning Center for promising students that don't always have the opportunities others do.  I support this but recently stopped large donations.  We chatted, he's moving, we will stay in touch.  I enjoy his company.  He is well educated and a giver.  
        Speaking of that, I met Marcia and Jill...two of my favorite people in Oaxaca.  I had explained to Marcia that I had never heard of this Opera so just had to come.  She asked if I knew of Philip Glass. Yes, he had a huge portrait of himself at the Phoenix Art Museum so I thought of him as a pompous asshole of an artist.   Then I saw he played piano and was a composer, etc so took him more seriously and now was eager to see this Boutique Opera that was getting good reviews. 

       I was early so took my seat being careful not to cough and spread my lingering cold to the entire theater.  I had taken the cough meds, decongestants, and brought lots of tissues.  I looked for Annalisa on the 2nd floor compartments but I suspected she was above me so I couldn't see her.  John and Robert were across from me on the 2nd level and sharing two compartments with two ladies.  One who I admire a lot.  Such a sparkling personality and lovely lady.  I see her everywhere I go.  I'm going to ask her out.


       Then a lady joined me on my left.  The seating was curved toward the stage.  If I wanted to see what this lady looked like, I had to make it a point to turn to the left and stare at her.  My peripheral vision would not give me a glimpse. I did get a slight look when she sat down and perceived her to be in her late forties or hopefully late 50's but doubtfully her 60's.  We exchanged pleasantries ...well she complained the screen just broadcast the Opera would start in 4 minutes.  She commented that it must have been Mexican time because 4 minutes has passed.   I didn't think it had but not wanting to start an argument, I reminded her that in Mexico it is rude to be on are expected to be a bit late.  Honestly this is a Live Simulcast from  the NY Metropolitan Opera House and I don't think Mexico has any control for when it is's live. 

     Then it started as if I had commanded to.  Within 3 minutes she saw another seat behind us but with a better angle and felt her way there.   I positioned myself to take advantage and turned toward the left with a better view of the stage and no one to think I was staring at them.  I actually found myself drifting off into REM sleep for minutes on end.  When I was alert, the show was interesting and I admired the choreography , trance hypnotic music, costumes, and woke me.
      Now the show took my attention and reminded me of the Cirque O'leil Productions I've seen in Vegas and in Phoenix...over 6 or 7.  Erotique, O, Kai, Love, Elvis, Allegro, Mystere, Circus at the Orpheum in Phoenix.  Well then the mystery lady returned, not satisfied with sitting in the back row.  I was agitated and now had a tickle in my throat that I could not suppress.  I started to cough as I was exiting in the dark.  It was a loud cough that I was sure broke the entire silence of the theater.  A sneeze was coming and I was in a panic trying to exit in dark without tripping and falling over the stairs as I reached the curtain.  
     On the other side of the curtain I let out a sneeze that I thought would shatter the windows.   I ran to the bathroom to continue coughing and sneezing in private.  The attendant came over and escorted me to the exit behind a curtain, into the lobby where she unlocked the exit door to let me out.
       I wasn't going back so had time to kill before the 3 hour and 40 minute performance ended and Annalisa and I could have lunch.  I ducked into the Cafe attached to the Theater and ordered a Chocolate Frappe and some Fried Potatoes to snack on.  When I checked my email on the phone, Annalisa had contacted me and suggested Brio Restaurant instead of the one we were to meet at so after explaining it would be about 3:40 I agreed and confirmed.  It was after 1 pm so I had been in the theater for over an hour and 15 minutes so I know I slept at least 30 minutes. 
        It was after 2:30 when I left the Cafe to shop at the market in hope of finding Sweet Potatoes.  Not being near fluent in Mexican I asked if she had and Potato Sweet (Dulce)..she said you want candied potatoes?  NO ..then a light went on and behind a bunch of Beets on the rack she pulled out Purple potatoes...even better than the Orange Yams.  I took $3 dollars worth.  When I got outside I realized they were hard as a rock and I'm not sure they were less then a year old.  I'll find out tomorrow. (They were hard as a rock)
        A photographer was filming two actors pretending to be GQ Models, while in the street the protesting teachers were living in Tents.

       I arrived at Brio a bit early so asked for a menu and ordered a glass of the house wine. 
The waiter gave me a menu and stood there like I was going to tell him what I wanted just by glancing at the menu while he hovered over me.  Get my wine and we will talk.  He returned with a glass a quarter full.  I protested it should be at least 1/3 .  The bartender came over and explained that if I wanted it 1/3 would cost 125 pesos vs 70.  I declined and thanked him.  The wine was vinegar.  Now that I had a chance to peruse the menu I noted that every Friday and Saturday they have a 2 x 1 special on cocktails including a Whiskey and Amora drink called the GodFather...yes that's my drink.  
         It was 3:40 and my friend Annalisa arrived with Dora, her friend from Idaho that looked very familiar and she agreed we have met.  I suggested she used to live in on the Oaxacan beach area and in Centro Oaxaca.  She agreed to Centro Oaxaca but not where I thought she lived.  She did spend time in Mesa, Az taking care of her father before he passed away.  It was nice to meet her and Annalisa invited me to sit at her table over Thanksgiving  but both being left hander's we had to sit at opposite corners.  She was contributing a real Turkey dressing even though the Restaurant was serving their Mexican or interpretation of Thanksgiving Turkey dressing.  It is vegetarian so I am making that my main course with fresh Veggies to go with pie...I will have a big slice of Turkey Breast.  I can't do without. My Godfather was to Die For...pardon my pun.

         We had some Goat Cheese Balls with Pesto, Cayenne, Nuts, and even Chocolate Chips with our cocktails.  Salmon for Annalisa, Falafels sandwich for David...who was now on his second Godfather, and a platter of Tapas for Dora.  We chatted a lot...all three of us.  Language learning, travel, food, projects, health, etc.  It was another wonderful gathering with Annalisa and her friend.  One of many.  We also made arrangements and took orders for something that I could make into edible pleasures in the evening when I was relaxing. 
      We all departed , they North and I South right past my "Mujeres de Tamales".  These ladies knew me well but not since I became a Vegan.  No problem for me.  I'm not sure what I took home along with my leftover Falafels but it was two Vegetarian Tamales. 
        While I was telling this story, my building started to move back and forth.  I knew it was and earthquake so "Googled it" to find out where and how bad while preparing mentally to just get out of the building or under a supporting arch.  The search didn't show anything.  Moments later I did another:
It was a 4.9 on the richter near Zipolete beach where I enjoy Decembers.  6 hour drive but moved this concrete building back and forth like a swing. Actually I checked back and there were some tremors also.

4.22019-11-24 03:10:5143 km to NE  of UNION HIDALGO, OAXACA 16.80°, -94.62°15.0 km
4.52019-11-24 02:58:4142 km to SE  of PUERTO ESCONDIDO, OAXACA 15.55°, -96.84°9.0 km
4.82019-11-24 02:34:4041 km to SE  of PUERTO ESCONDIDO, OAXACA 15.57°, -96.82°15.0 km
4.92019-11-24 02:33:1053 km to  of PUERTO ESCONDIDO, OAXACA 15.39°, -96.96°17.0 km
5.12019-11-24 02:29:0751 km to SE  of PUERTO ESCONDIDO, OAXACA 15.46°, -96.84°11.0 km
Sunday I laid low and watched my CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley.  I went for a walk to the convenience store to pay for my "Tea", then to Pochote Market to have breakfast.  Deke was just finishing his so joined him for some Fresh Fruit and Cereal.   We had a nice chat and walked back home together.  I emailed the receipt to my friend so she could get us a discount for paying up front and early.

        Monday I walked to the Bakery for some Avocado Toast and coffee then ran into Michelle from Montreal.  He just arrived a couple days ago.  It was nice to see him.  I bought some yogurt and fruit to take home.  I stopped at the Clinic and had my blood drawn for a PSA test to see if I should worry about my cancer coming back.  60 Minutes was now on ROKU from yesterday, and interesting as always.

   Today I wrote my daughter. It is her birthday.    I remembered when she was 13 and pregnant.  I talked to her about her options and suggested she had her whole life ahead of her and she turned to me and said in no uncertain terms she planned on having that baby. It was 1980 and I was 35 years old and was a lousy father.  Well I'm 74 and she is 52 WOW.

     The test  results were not what I had hoped. My PSA rose 3 points to 4 in one month!  I dropped my clothes donation for immigrants at the library where my friend Tom was checking to see if they take Amazon deliveries for library members.  They do!  Nice service. 
          I visited my Doctor and gave him my list of Meds.  He suggested I change my Metropropol to a newer class of Beta Blockers that target the heart without such a bad effect on ED.  I gave him my Testosterone for a client after he told me about losing a prostate cancer patient to Testosterone therapy. He willed his some of his drums to my doctor when he passed.
Doc Z when he's not in his office.
I hope I didn't screw up and my PSA returns to .5 where it was 3 months ago. 
         I stopped at one of my favorite coffee shops for lunch.  I ate there once before and it was great.  This time I had the Greek Salad with an Egg.  Fantastic flavor.  Her husband and partner in the business is Greek.  She buys her Organic produce where I just bought my arugula.  I never bothered with the Tomatoes Cukes and Feta...but now I will.


        My pants were tailored and ready for pick up.  She sewed a button on a shirt I brought for $2.  Lulu, my landlady was passing by complaining about the heat as I left the shop.  Me...I love the heat.  We are almost at the end of November and 30 days from departure so I will CLOSE this Long Blog.

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