Saturday, February 20, 2010


The last night in Banpu Resort:   
     I'm well or on my way to well.  Last night I had such a burning fever and diarrhea.  Then
when I would run to the bathroom I would freeze and started shivering like I never have.  I
shook under the covers and couldn't stop.  
Today I slept as late as I could trying to get some rest but my driver was taking me to the bus
station at 10:30 for a Noon bus trip to Pattaya.  I had the front desk call her and find out how
much to drive me direct because I was still on the toilet ever hour and couldn't take a bus.  She
said she could arrange a taxi for $60 and would pick me up at 9:30.  I settled my tab and left
when she arrived. 
My ear ache wasn't so bad that night but I ran out of decongestants to relieve the pressure
and now it was killing me.  The taxi turned out to be a new Toyota Camry and I rode in relative
comfort for the entire 3-4 hours and despite the pain, I managed some sleep, I think.  The
driver had been to Pattaya but didn't know it that well . He found my hotel and helped me
with the bag so I tipped him and checked in.

The room was on the top floor and pretty shabby but all the amenities EXCEPT INTERNET
connection!  So here I am in a hot lobby using a computer with all my info on mine upstairs.
 I already paid in advance so I'll live with it and look for an air-conditioned Starbucks with an
electric connection I can use.  

  Meanwhile I was so in pain and exhausted I laid down for an hour then took a Baht Bus to
the hospital right down the street.  I checked in they called my number, I lost 8 pounds
(probably in the last two days), BP 120/62 and temp was normal.  They put the thermometer
under your armpit.  The doctor saw me within a few minutes and gave me an excellent check
over. My ear looked good and no damage but I did have an infection and a gastric
intestinal infection also.  He put me on antibiotics, some drink to hydrate my system, and two
other meds three times a day. I think one was a "Z" pack of antibiotics.
I stopped at MacD's on the return trip to bring a Double Big Mac up and have my first food of
the day.  That is 4 hamburgers.  I remember the stir fry that I got sick on and now when I look
at stir fry my stomach gets upset.  It used to get upset when I saw a Big Mac but this worked
and I took my Meds and feel much better.
   I'm going to get in touch with Doug and Denise tomorrow.  If I feel better I might even
shave.   This internet room is stuffy and hot with the Hostess Bar just outside the door.  
   I saw a Sunday Special Roast Pork Loin with Apple sauce, Mashed and Roasted Potatoes,
three different fresh vegetables, Yorkshire Pudding, Dressing and Gravy so ordered it.  I ate
the pork and applesauce with some mashed and left the rest...too much. Still didn't sleep too
well and was in and out of bed for 14 hours before finally getting up.

   I did shave. The ear infection is only being treated with antibiotics and only one a day so I
just have to wait until it takes effect...maybe three days.  The other were a Re hydrating mix
with water, anti Spastic for a Milk of Magnesia pill, and some pill to restore the
good bacteria in your system...There is your lesson for the day. I went back to Mac Thai and
got two Cheeseburgers today for lunch.
I may move out of here.  People are friendly enough and the guests are mostly American and
Australian but I don't feel my room is secure and don't want my computer stolen.  I can break
into my room without the key.  There is a safe there but they haven't been more than one
person on at a time so no one has been able to put fresh batteries in it.  I am suppose to meet
with Doug this afternoon.
      Okay after three trips up and down stairs we finally concluded there was nothing wrong
with the safe in my room.  The batteries were fine. I kept doing the opposite of what she
instructed me to do...even after she demonstrated it! Press the code then A.  I kept pressing
A then the code.  I heard what she said but it was like someone else operating my brain...oh
well I'm happy now I can fit my computer into the safe and all my valuables and leave without
worry.  I will stay here until it is time to move ...but still want to find an WiFi available Air
conditioned restaurant. 
    My gastric problems cleared up by mid-afternoon (must have been the Cheeseburgers) and I
think are literally behind me. Now the ear infection has worsened.  I've been going around
grimacing , scowling, basically being very anti-social with everyone. They all keep smiling and
saying hello and I brush them off with a grunt and a mumble and head to my bed.  This
afternoon when it was getting worse I decided to take my second Antibiotics to try and kick
start the healing process.  The first I took 20 hours ago so I wasn't too far off my daily dose.  I had
to eat something first so got directions to the local Pharmacy, stopped and picked up some
ear drops, Panadol and some Q Tips then went to Mac Thai for a Hamburger and my Antibiotic.
  I already took 400 mg of IBP and took another 500 mg of Panadol.  I then went back and
added the ear drops and are suffering more than ever.  If  I don't feel relief by this evening...
back to the hospital.
   I meet with Doug  this afternoon. He and his wife Denise just returned from 10 days in
Boracay Philippines.  A remote and beautiful paradise. We caught up on our recent adventures.
Doug reminded me that the infection had a three to four day start on the Antibiotics.  I did
cheat and took one extra Antibiotic after 12 hours instead of 24 then went back to the 24.  I
took an extra to catch up and am going over to the drug store to pick up a replacement.
  I was ready to return to the hospital for my follow up appointment when I stopped to
"Google" brown secretions from the ear.  It is a bacterial infection picked up by being near
hot humid windy seashore or near water...Trat.  I remember sitting on out over the water on
my second night with the tide out.  The mud was green and blackish with bugs everywhere and
the wind blowing directly into the now infected ear.  After more research, I realized there is
nothing I can do but wait it out and continue the treatment.  All the things the hospital did
were exactly what you were supposed to.  I returned to the room and took 3 tranquilizers and
two sleeping tablets.  That was at 7:30 last night.  I made it through the night.  Up and down
but I finally came down at 2 pm this afternoon.  I'm off to replace the extra antibiotic I took,
get some food in me and take another antibiotic. I hope to set up a dental appointment ASAP
to get his opinion on my Tijuana tooth implant that is loose again.   I think it will require
another bone graft and months of waiting.  I want my money back from the Mexican dentist!  
   Things were fine until the decongestant started to wear off and the pain started. I put in the
ear drops but it was getting worse.  I took 800 mg IBP but still worse. Late that evening I took
1000 mg Panadol but no change.  I took a sleeping pill but couldn't sleep!   1:30 am  I left, got
a bus and was at the hospital in 5 minutes.  I had already been processed so in 5 more minutes
I tested at 169/95  far cry from my last 120/62...then weighed in at 212! from 182...
something wrong with that.  I had thought it was pounds before and it was kilos!
        The Dr saw me shortly and I brought out the new meds I procured and she (still had
braces) promptly  took my ear drops and threw them in the trash.  I have a hard time hearing
and at this point I was deaf in my right ear and she had a face mask on.  It is not easy to read
lips through a face mask.  She kept telling me they were taking me to emergency but I kept
telling her I couldn't hear her.  I could but could not understand the words until she removed
the face mask.  
It was then I realized how much I depend on seeing people's lips when they talk.   When I
returned home, I tried muting the TV News broadcast and just reading lips but I couldn't
understand.  The visual alone wasn't enough and the sound without the visual wasn't either.
 I needed to have both to hear and understand.   When people talk to me they have to look at
me.  It is so frustrating to have people talk to me while looking in the other direction. 
 They took me into emergency and injected me with an antibiotic, a painkiller and a sleep aid.
  4:30 AM I was up after a great rest and back in the hotel.  It still hurt but the pain had
subsided and I now have tranquilizers. 
 I visited the 7/11 and got some peanut butter, bread, probiotic yogurts and one hamburg...
that makes 8 Hamburgs in three days.  I vowed that to be my last.  Most of the Medicines
required food but now I have peanut butter.  I lost track of the medicines; Imodium, Lomotil,
two different ear drops, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, three different types of antibiotics, three
different types of anti-inflammatory pills, my lisinopril, lovastatin, aspirin, metoprolol,
terazosin, hot compresses, panatrol, and a rehydration mix with water.  I know there was more
but can't remember. Oh yeah two different decongestants.  That is 21...see why I needed
hamburgs.  I remember when we wanted to get our dog to take pills we always put them in

  I awoke around 9 am and walked over to the hotel I would be moving to.  I had a healthy
breakfast and verified my check in day.  Good thing I did because the owner's old
employee/manager, left him and destroyed all his books on the way out.  I've heard worse
stories about oriental ladies that get angry.  The new Manager made arrangements for me to
stay and showed me the nice room for only $2 more than I am paying now and $8 Dollars
less than I was originally quoted.  Things are looking up.  Last night I couldn't think.  I am
in the final stretch from here on end...I hope. I finally did a turn around. I think last night
was the end of the up all night.  Took too many tranquilizers and sleeping pills but don't
think I'll need them tonight.  The pain is there but manageable and I do believe the infection
will be gone in a couple days.    I'm eating regular now but not so much.    I am going to find
a poker game in an internet cafe that is Air-conditioned  to keep me occupied.  Might see
Avatar tomorrow in the theater.  

I retired late last night after taking my 500 mg of antibiotic, heart medicine, decongestants,
 tranquilizer  ,   sleeping pill  and had an up and down sleep.  At 4 pm the next day I was out
of decongestants and needed some back up lomitol so returned to the pharmacy.  I walked
down the street and found a nice coffee shop in combo with a Sub Shop.  I ate two muffins ,
two lattes and bought a sub to take back to the room should I get hungry.  I tried to lie down
again but the pain was still too much.  I decided to return to the hospital where they checked
me right in and I was with the Doctor in 5 minutes.  She looked in my ear and noted the
infection seemed to be spreading so sent me to emergency where I lie on my side for 1/2 hour
or so with 4 types of drops in my ear.  Then they put me on my back and drained everything
and flushed my ears three or four times with a hot liquid.  Then they probed it with a needle
that I could feel going out my other ear.  I didn't know they could do that.  The human ear is
amazing.  Then I was taken to the cashier , still in pain but clean pain.  I paid my $75  and they
issued me 10 anti inflammatory pills I never heard of and 10 1000 mg Amoxicillin.  Take one
of each after dinner tonight and in the morning for the next 5 days and return to follow up
 I stopped at 7/11 and bought my dinner of peanut butter and whole wheat bread and slowly
made my way home.  I had a sandwich, took one of each and then laid down.  When I awoke it
was 10 pm and I was DAVID again.  LIBERATED.  I'M A BEAR COMING OUT OF
WHOLE BAR A DRINK!!!!!!!!!   My first drink in over a week.  I drinking with
antibiotics but had to share one with those who smiled at my grimaces and frowns everyday. 
I hope to see my dentist tomorrow as well as go back for my return visit.

I went for a long walk and returned to bed around Midnight and had a great night's sleep. 
I awoke at sunrise and took off for a long walk on the beach with all the other walkers and
joggers. Tai chi people and just plain sport nuts.  The water was covered with boaters going to
the island beaches and parasailers.  I counted over 24 in the air at the same time.

 It felt
great walking but being weak I took a break at Mac Thai's for coffee and scrambled eggs.  I walked
back and took a short nap then left to see Dr Narin , my dentist.  I tried to email him but no
reply.  The receptionist said he would be in at 1 pm.  I'm next door now waiting for his arrival.
  I would like him to try and take care of the new tooth decay problem I have before he does
one of the crowns on Monday. 1 pm and no Dr Narin.  He will be in at 2 pm.  2 Dr Narin.
 I left at 2:15.  He is great but his receptionist doesn't have a clue.  Now I'm headed for my
follow up Hospital appointment and hopefully the last.  I do feel fantastic. My BP was
120/62 when I first entered the hospital.  My return in the middle of the night was 167/93
and yesterday's  visit was 103/67.  I'm anxious to see what my last visit will be.  It was 140/68
and not my last visit.
     I got the top specialist, a  Otolaryngologist.  The average salary in the USA for him is
$293,261 a year....average.   I looked him up in the book they provide with the listing all the
 Doctors they employ with photos, names and credentials.  Great idea for hospitals
everywhere.  He did the same treatment with my ear except he sucked my brain out along
with the goo.  Then he altered my scripts.  He said I have a bacterial infection on top of a
fungal infection. I have felt great since yesterday.  I have my energy back.  He finally took his
mask off so between seeing him speak to me and what hearing I have, I could understand.
 Everyone wears face masks, not just in the hospitals but on the streets...well not everyone but
most.  It is like they get up in the morning and put it on then only take it off when they eat...
actually I have seen people put food in their mouths with the face mask on!

    Earlier I spent two hours trying to see the dentist without an appointment and gave up....
I see him Monday and back to the Specialist at the hospital on Wednesday to hopefully finish
    This hospital is state of the art...I have never seen better.  Barrows in Phoenix was best
neurosurgeons in the world, VA saved my life, JC Lincoln took good care of me and also saved
my life, Phoenix Baptist sucked...Maryvale sucked,..Community is no longer....but over all , this
hospital has it all from walk in to walk out.  I can't say enough about the care I have received
here. The largest bill was the last visit for $85. I don't think he makes almost $300000 a year
here, yet he had years of experience and was one of the top rated Doctors in his field in
     I looked into my bank account when I got a notice that a check had cleared. I haven't written a check in months.  $2906.....I immediatly told them it was bogus...I don't even have my check book.  Then I looked it up to see the copy of the check.  It was my six month advance HOA required deposit for Scottsdale Shadows Regiem II.  They held that for 3 months!  Then I quick wrote back the bank requesting them not to close my account down which I had requested. 
    Well I got a lot to do when I get back.  Frank and his wife Didia, friends from  Cape Cod will
be in Phoenix on business and I want to see them a bit.   
     They have no lights or 30 watt bulbs over here so when I get in a well lit bathroom I look
like a Werewolf.  I can't believe it is down to 8 days....I called  in my Meds to the VA so they
will be there when I arrive.  I'm short 5 plavix pills but my pharmacist here ordered them for
pickup tomorrow.
Do you know there are 6000 different languages in the world and by the year 2050 there will
be only 3000 and of those 50 will be the primary ones.  Languages are becoming extinct.  Now
that I can think again you can expect me to make up for that lost week.  
I mentioned before Ireland has outlawed blasphemy.  Well now France is trying to outlaw
shouting between married or cohabiting couples.
There are 260 Golf Courses in Thailand. Russia is planning on adding 600 more in
addition to one of the best Championship courses in the world just outside of Moscow. Golf is
being adding as an Olympic Sport.

They now have a bike that has rechargeable batteries so you don't have to peddle and it's good
for up to 60 miles I believe for the cheap price of $9000.
The "Power of the Buddha" is the Buddhist covenant that states....always do good and always
avoid doing bad.  That is it.  What is good or bad?  Come on...we all know in our conscious
when something is good or bad.  Sometimes we white lie or rationalize but WE KNOW it is a
white lie or rationalization.   So if the whole world smiled at everyone (do good) and was
truthful (do good) and ...well you get the point....a  Buddha never complains, criticizes or
compares and always shows compassion. The father in a Buddhist household leads the chant
every evening (except when the family attends Temple) while the family Meditates before
bedtime.  Then after the Mother and Father discuss the day with their children or any
discussions the children also wish to relate.  This is done after the Meditation and Chants so
the mind is at peace and quality communication can take place. This also enables everyone to
accrue credit to be admitted into heaven when the time comes. The children often meditate in
school also.Tiger Woods apologized for his infidelity and promised to recommit himself to
   Doug came over last night and introduced me to Lars the owner from Germany.  He had
been working in some kind of intelligence organization in Bangkok or Hong Kong and still
does, to some extent.  He has been in Pattaya for over 4 years now as owner of this very nice
hotel and is a contributor and supporter of  the commerce of Pattaya.  We stayed up too late
but it was  a nice time socializing with some of the other guests...a young Californian from
Westwood, a nice big black man from Cleveland and another one from Jamaica.  
I made my appointment with the dentist the next evening.  Dr Narin and his colleague
removed my crown and implant that was loose.  They had me in the chair for 3 hours.  The
implant was not the type that the Mexican dentist said it was so now they fear they can NOT
repair it.  They think it is a counterfeit.  Also they are putting a crown on the last tooth in the
back of my mouth that is next to that implant and was decayed because of the implants
placement.  I also return to the hospital today for a follow up on my ear infection.  My
appointment to install the crowns is right after that.  
      Bad news.This incurable optimist is starting to lose it.I do have a perforated eardrum caused by the infection  I got at Ban Pu Resort the evening I
sat out by the swamp to eat with the wind whipping in my ear . 
    Three days later when I got to the hospital the first doctor couldn't see any problem because
it was impacted with goo.  The medicine helped break all that up but still 4 days later, when it
had been flushed, the specialist couldn't see it even though he flushed it again.  He said it had
hardened and that is also why I couldn't hear.  Then he ordered me to take special drops
twice a day and return today.  
 When I did, he confirmed the ear drum was perforated.  Then armed with another 10 day
antibiotic script plus another different antibiotic 10 day script in addition to decongestants
and anti-inflammatory pills he ordered me to continue to drops and see a specialist ASA I
returned..  He said that if after the drops, the ear stops leaking and dries up, it may heal itself
over 3 months It doesn't, I have to have the ear drum repaired surgically.  So much for that
chapter. I am going to have a drink at my favorite bar.

Now I get the info on the implant from Mexico and pass it to the Dentists but they can't get a
replacement abutment in time for me because there aren't any of those types of implants in
Thailand. It has to be special ordered.   I have to return to have that done....well I was going to
return to have the two crowns put on the implants he did three months ago.  It takes 6 months
to insure the abutments don't come loose.  The ear I can fix with an Otolaryngologist in
Phoenix unless my ear heals itself.

    I met with Doug and Denise yesterday and we walked around town doing a few errands. 
I may see Doug Saturday afternoon to bid goodbye.  Marjorie has been so helpful trying to get
a ticket confirmation from China Air for me.  They sent me a correction that says I fly out on
time but have a 24 hour stop over in Taipei.  That puts me in LAX on Monday so I miss my
connection with Southwest on Sunday.  I just think they or their computer made an error in
the itinerary so I'm going to the Bangkok airport for the scheduled flight on Sunday and if
they didn't make an error, I will spend the day stuck in a holding area in the Taipei airport
and have to book another flight with Southwest for Monday and cancel my other.
    Today I got official notice that China Air changed my whole itinerary until I
have to change SW Airlines connection...etc.  I extended my stay at the hotel, changed the
pick-up date with the cab company, cancelled and changed my connection with Southwest.  I
then met Doug and Denise for a farewell drink.  They suggested I visit Buddha Hill since I
hadn't been there.  It was one place in Pattaya that I was interested in but it didn't seem worth the effort.
I had my healthy breakfast this morning and hired a Motor Bike to drive me to Buddha Hill.  
spent almost 2 hours walking around seeing the Buddha then visiting the Chinese Cultural

There was also a park I stopped at on the return down the hill but took another Moto
Bike back without realizing I didn't see the whole park.

 There were other sections that were

very nice but I was hot and the bike ride felt so cool that I skipped it and ended up with the
Bangkok Post and a Latte in Air Conditioned comfort at Starbucks.  

It was around 4 pm when I returned to the hotel to shower again and repack a bit.  There was
a nice French Restaurant across the way that I had noticed was quite crowded the last few
nights.  I especially noticed people drinking Red Wine by the Carafe so decided to treat myself.
 Well this is a special Buddha holiday in conjunction with the New Year and no bars were open
for serving alcohol including restaurants.   I had a nice Chicken in a White Wine Mushroom
sauce and fresh Green Beans and returned to my room satisfied.   

Everything is set for tomorrow departure.  I hope I don't have to check my bag and can sleep
on the flight to LAX from Taipei. has been nice sharing my trip with everyone and I hope
you enjoyed it.  My Sleep Comfort bed will sure seem nice.  I may stay in it for a few days.  
Until the next time...David in Pattaya...soon to be in Scottsdale.

P.S. Immigration informed me I was in violation of Thai Law and my Visa expired 4 days ago
so had to pay $15 a day because I crossed back into Thailand on a bus instead of a plane.
 Land travel into Thailand give you a 15 day Visa and Air travel 30.

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